Many years ago, the Lord spoke to Loren Cunningham (YOUTH WITH A MISSION) and Bill Bright (CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST), first separately, then He brought them together to pray through and discuss this.  They were given what they called 7 “spheres of influence”, or the “7 mountains”.  In every culture or society these outside influences shape the way every person thinks.  These external influences are so powerful that whole countries can go one way or another: either for good or for evil.  These men of God also acknowledged the fact that the Body of Christ has little to no influence in some of these spheres, where they should!  It has been suggested that we need to pray for each of these “7 mountains”.  This prayer guide can help you pray through each “mountain”.  Covenant to pray for each “mountain” daily.   Pray the Lord will raise up believers who hear the call to conquer each of these “mountains”.  Pray they will take authority, not be afraid to bring in Christ to every part of their lives, will be a strong influence on those around them.  The only way true revival can come is if the Lord is allowed to infiltrate every part of our lives!


Pray for your church and churches in your community.  Pray for a spirit of unity to break out among the churches in your community. Pray that churches would band together as a unified army so as to effectively win the lost in their towns together.  Pray that the Church would see the enemy as out THERE, and not each other.  Pray that the Church will allow the Holy Spirit to move freely.
Matthew 16:18
I Kings 18:21-39
John 4:23-24
Hebrews 10:23-25
Acts 2:41-47


Bring healing and restoration to families.  Break the back of the spirit of rebellion. Restore Family Altars in homes.  Bring revival into families and into private homes.
Psalm 68:5-6
Acts 16:31-23
Genesis 2:21-24
Genesis 1:26-28
Psalm 107:41
Jeremiah  31:1
Ephesians 3:15
Genesis 12:3
Luke 15:11-32


Pray for teachers who are lovers of Jesus.  Pray for a radical spirit that would dare to challenge ungodly rules in the educational system – they would bring in a righteous revolution for the sake of our children.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Psalm 34:11
John 14:26
Psalm 25:4-5
Psalm 90:12
I Corinthians 2:12-16
Psalm 27:11
Isaiah 2:3


Pray that the Lord will raise up godly leaders in our government.  Bless those who are in authority over us.  Pray for their protection.  Pray for a spirit of wisdom on their behalf.  Pray the Lord would bring to them His “Daniels” to give them godly counsel.
Isaiah 9:6
Proverbs 8:15-16
Isaiah 22:22
I Peter 2:13-17
I Timothy 2:1-2
Daniel 2:20-23
2 Chronicles 1:10
Proverbs 29:4
Matthew 28:18


Pray for a desire for purity and righteousness to infiltrate our media.   Do warfare against that “gossiping” spirit.  Ask the Lord to bring a spirit of integrity into those who work in the media.  Pray against the spirit of manipulation.
James 3:4-6
Psalm 19:14
Psalm 49:3
Philippians 4:8
Matthew 28:19-20
Mark 16:15
Psalm 1
Psalm 101:3


Pray the Lord would raise up gifted artisans as worshippers in the Arts, that He would be glorified  through paintings, sculptures, songs, etc.
Genesis 1:1
Isaiah 65:17
Psalm 96:1-3
Psalm 101:3
Revelation 14:7
Psalm 19:1


Pray that daily Bible studies and prayer meetings – even churches will be ignited in revival on the workplace. Pray for the strengthening of Christian business owners, CEO’s, managers and workers – that they would be ministers of the Gospel on their jobs.
Isaiah 60:11
Psalm 112
Proverbs 13:22
Exodus 35:2
Psalm 62:12
Proverbs 13:11
Acts 16:14-15
Acts 18:2-3